It has been a couple of years since I looked at 365 Marketing Meditations: Daily Lessons for Marketing & Communications Professionals. This handbook of snippets produced by Richard Levick and Larry Smith of Levick Strategic Communications, is a goldmine of useful, pithy sayings useful to the legal marketing community.
I picked it up today for an idea for a post (okay, okay, I’m having writer’s block). Today’s meditation is:
“Observe a small need and fill it. If a client complains mildly about how his phone wire is always getting tangled up, send him a phone line detangler! He’ll think of you every time he makes a call.”
Irrespective of the fact that the world is mostly wireless these days, and the fact that I don’t have a clue what a “detangler” is, the advice is still valuable.
So, what does/do your top client(s) need? You don’t know? Hmmm.
Do your competitors’ know? Could they find out? Hmmm.
Visit and talk with (i.e., listen to) your clients. Today, April 23rd is a great day to start.