There is still time to make a few resolutions for the New Year before the ball comes down on Times Square. My friend Trey Ryder suggests eight resolutions for 2010 in an article in his recent newsletter, primarily aimed at prospects. Most of his comments are applicable to clients and referral sources as well.

Here are just a few of his suggestions: (take a look at his article for the others)

  • Compile a mailing list of clients, referral sources, and prospects. Send information or articles of interest at least every 90 days (or more frequently);
  • Author an "educational handout" that contains helpful tips for your intended audience. His examples include:
    • “11 Secrets of (your subject)
    • "5 Steps to (your subject)
    • "14 Costly Misconceptions about (your subject)
    • "7 Mistakes to Avoid When You (your subject)"
  • Present a seminar monthly (at least quarterly) in front of a target audience, such as the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis or a trade organization. I like his idea that you "select a topic that solves a problem for prospects";
  • Respond quickly to all inquiries from prospects (I totally agree you’d be "hard-pressed to find anything that impresses prospects more than a quick response," as I have personally experienced).

It is hoped that you will find something here that you resolve to undertake in the coming year.

Happy New Year to all!