Whether you’ve outgrown the need for vendors or you just want to bring as many things in-house as possible, hiring a marketing expert for your firm isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Sure, there are a lot of people with marketing experience out there, but “marketing” has a VERY broad definition.

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Why is it difficult? First, because many corporate clients do not want to put all their eggs on one basket.  For political, financial and/or relationship reasons they want to spread the work around.  Sure, a number of major corporations are reducing the number of outside law firms.  Often doing so to better manage administrative headaches.

I’ve always loved the expression KISS because it is just that simple and telling at the same time. In reviewing  the book this week on marketing meditations by Larry Smith and Richard Levick I often quote, I ran across one that I posted about 3 years ago this month.  It reminded me of how “keeping