The summer is that time of year when most folks, even clients, take some time away from the grind.  So, it’s not a bad time to plan some marketing efforts to undertake, either now or when everyone gets back into the swing of things after Labor Day.

Allison Shields over at Legal Ease has a few suggestions (in addition to collecting your account receivables and firing some problem clients – a subject I’ve talked about on occasion here and here).  She offers the following marketing tips to consider during the summer (with my own twist of course):

  • Touch base with former clients to reconnect and possibly pick up some business,
  • Update clients on the status of matters, helping to ease their emotional concerns,
  • Think of something special to do for your clients to build on the relationship,
  • Touch base with referral sources for the same reason,
  • Assess your marketing activities to determine what is working and what isn’t, and
  • Oh Yeah, don’t forget to take that real vacation yourself to recharge your batteries.

As a result, you should be in great shape to undertake a fresh approach to your business development efforts come fall.