My friend Larry Bodine reported on a survey of law firms relating to the attitude for and actual marketing training of associates that he and Michael Cummings conducted. Although firms say that it is increasingly important that associates development legal marketing skills, 57% of survey respondents do not provide such training. It was only a question of time before firms would recognize the need to train their future partners and leaders of the firm.
The survey should have included junior partners as well, since many of them were made partners in the days (and some still do) when business generation capability and results were not requirements for partnership status. It is not surprising that in many firms it has become a requirement in order to join the elite; but, it’s a wonder it has taken so long.
Which raises another issue. What kind of marketing training would be the most effective? In the interests of getting some feedback on that, I thought I would conduct my own informal, unscientific survey on what associates (and yes partners too) would think was the most effective means to accomplish such training.
So, readers, let me know what you think is the most effective type of marketing training:
*Large Group/Seminar setting (i.e. CLE style)
*Small Groups (6-12 attendees)
*One-on-one coaching (whether in-person, by telephone or online)
*Online Training (via Webinars or individual lessons conducted online like many universities)
And, how much time are you willing to devote:
*One Day
*2-3 Days
*7 Days
*Once per week (for month)
*Once per month ( for six months)
*Plus Annual refresher?
Send me a quick comment with your thoughts.