Last month, I missed a post by Ed Poll at LawBiz Blog complimenting the medical profession for a growing trend in offering programs in “relationship-centered care” (aka improving empathy as well as bedside manners), while at the same time chastising law schools and bar associations for failing to require training in managing a law practice.
How a lawyer handles a client’s matter has a direct bearing on whether the client will use his or her services in the future. Management issues such as –
*Returning phone calls
*Keeping client informed regarding their matter
*Being diligent in pursuing the client’s best interests
*Treating the client with respect
*Avoiding surprises
*Failing to meet deadlines
*Etc. etc�
�all bear directly on how successful one’s law practice will be. Lawyers too need to focus on “relationship-centered care.” It is the essence of effective legal marketing. Unfortunately, such courses are not required in law school or as part of CLE requirements. They could add measurably to an improved impression of the profession.