There’s nothing to it. If you don’t like your client, get rid of ’em. You could fire them outright (I know firms that wanted to), or you could simply be unresponsive.
I was reminded of this simple reality when I read an article on how to lose a customer on the Fast Company blog. Although the item dealt with an unresponsive home security company, it reminded me of the many complaints I have heard over the years about some in our profession.
Some of the simple ways lawyers can get rid of clients include:
-Not returning client phone calls promptly
-Failing to meet a promised deadline
-Keeping clients in the dark about their matter

If you would like to keep your clients, then of course you know, being responsive is the way to go. Clients don’t often complain openly, they simply stop using the firm by giving the next matter to another law firm. If you are responsive, and regularly talk with your clients about your services, then your clients will not get rid of you.