Now that you’ve started to see who you want to be in 2011, it’s time to put it to action. I’m sure, as loyal readers, you’ve all been working hard on your elevator speeches. Let’s revisit that. Think about who you want to be, what you want your practice to be and what kind of client you wish to attract. Now tailor your elevator speech to those ideas. See the difference? Market to what you WANT, not what you HAVE.

On the same note: Start mentally rolling through your contact list to think about who can help bring you the clients you want in 2011. Make a list. Send them a personal New Year’s—not Christmas!—card (or gift) and start the conversation. There are only a few degrees of separation between you and your dream client. Connect the dots and see who can help you make it happen in 2011.

Black Pearl: One of the easiest ways to connect with old friends, colleagues and clients is via LinkedIn. It’s also a great way to see how you’re connected to the clients you need to get in front of. But how? by Jason Alba is a great blog (and book) that can give you tips and tricks to making the most of the site. Take a look and start connecting!