The key to a successful blog? Have a plan before your get started and stick to it!
This week we asked: Do you blog?
1. Yes – 2%
2. No – 40%
3. I’m considering it – 58%
My Thoughts: At least 2% of you blog, with another 58% considering it! Those who gave me a flat-out no? Time to reconsider.
As we touched on last week, everything you put out into the world should have your distinct stamp on it. From design to content, that includes your blog. Prior to jumping in head first, I always advise my clients to stop and understand the strategy behind the journey they are about to embark on. If you don’t have a plan, your blog becomes lost. Do your research. Look at what’s out in the blogosphere, what’s NOT out in the blogosphere and where you fit in with your expertise, your background and your target market. What do potential clients and referrals want to read about? What should it be called? How often will you post and will your posts have a set format? Will you write them or hire a ghostwriter? These are the questions (and more!) you need to answer before you get started. We’ll cover all of these topics in-depth in the coming weeks but feel free to post specific questions or concerns you wish to see touched on in the comments section below and we’ll do our best to bring you answers.
As my friend Kevin O’Keefe, CEO of LexBlog Inc. (and author of Real Lawyers Have Blogs) said in an interview with GPSOLO Magazine:
I think the biggest thing is to know what you are doing. People are going to find and read your blog. They will search for and monitor particular words and phrases and see what you are writing on that subject… If you are not presenting yourself well and you do not know what you are doing, that is an issue.
Black Pearl: Want more O’Keefe advice? Here is the full article from the American Bar Association website. It’s a great introduction to blogging from a pioneer in the "blawg" arena.