Last week we talked a bit about personal branding again. Who you are and what you want to project to the world. But the truth is, you can craft the most perfect personal brand in the world, but if no one knows about it, it means nothing. That’s why, starting today, we must all make 2011 the year of being noticed. While skimming through some articles on marketing trends for 2011, I was continually faced with one word: TRUST. And it makes sense. In an age where emails often replace face time and social networking has replaced a good old phone call, clients are inundated with information. They tune out. So what gets you noticed? And what brings in business? Good, old-fashioned trust. In fact, I think we could all use a good refresher on how to build that trust via The Fearless Competitor.

And once you’ve established that trust the work doesn’t end. In fact, it’s just the beginning…