Whether you devote one hour a day or one hour a week, making time for blogging is an integral part of your business development success.
This week we asked: How often do you post or plan to post on your blog?
1. At least 1-2 posts a week – 75%
2. At least 3-4 posts a week – 15%
3. 5 or more posts a week – 10%
My Thoughts: It seems most of you (about 75%) seem to hover around 1-2 posts a week, a respectable goal for any good blogger. 15% of you post 3-4 times per week, which is very good. 5 or more posts a week is reserved for the truly dedicated (10% of you). If you’re posting less than once a week, you need to either step up your blogging or don’t bother.
It may sound harsh, but if you’re not willing to dedicate your time and your focus you may as well not embark on the journey. While once or twice a month is often seen as a bare minimum, to truly reap results from the blog you should plan on posting at least once a week. It will help you build a following and get readers on board to follow you and keep up with your posts. If it’s impossible to find time during the day, think outside the office. Keep a voice recorder in your car and dictate ideas during your commute; give up 2 hours of your weekend to work on posts, or even use part of your lunchtime to do research and jot down ideas.
As my colleague Juan Antunez of Stokes McMilan Maracini & Antunez (and FLProbateLitigation.com) says:
I spend about 2 to 4 hours a week on the blog. Most of that time is at home, writing on my laptop while the kids run around me. I’m the only obsessive compulsive at my office, so the blog is a solo affair.
Black Pearl: Here is a great post from Cordell Parvin on the importance of making time for blogging, with input from one of his actual (overworked!) clients.