Old sayings ring true for a reason. They make sense. If you’re logo is strong, highly visible and easily recognizable, it’s never a good idea to change it up. (But, if it is not all those things… get to work.)
This week we asked: Have you ever considered changing your firm logo?
1) Yes – 30%
2) No – 70%
My Thoughts: 70% of you said you’ve never considered changing your firm logo. Good thinking! Repetition, Repetition, Repetition is the key to any good marketing strategy, but you can’t repeat what you keep changing.
I think it’s pretty clear what I think of The Gap’s sudden redesign. Not a great move. Not only does it alienate loyal clients, it prevents new ones from recognizing the brand and connecting with it.
According to AdAge’s article, “The logo is pervasive in American culture, appearing on some 1,200 stores in North America. Gap also operates nearly 300 stores in Europe and Asia. Gap is the 84th most-valuable brand in the world, according to Interbrand’s 2010 study.”
That’s a powerful brand. Why mess with it? Forget the rules of branding, strategy and marketing. Think emotion. People become emotionally attached to what they know (Hello New Coke, Tropicana, and a slew of others…), and are put off when a new version is introduced.
Brand equity is a powerful thing, and something that I see way too many law firms treat casually. Respect the power of your brand and the look and feel that surrounds it. If the question comes up, ask yourself and your firm members WHY you need to change it. If the reason is legit (and there are some reasons that are), then go for it. But if it’s change for change’s sake, step back and reconsider. Believe in the power of your brand and stay true to it. Your clients—and your wallet—will thank you.
Black Pearl: A few quick and interesting posts about the Gap debacle from AdAge (see link above) and BrandChannel.com (http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2010/10/06/Gap-Rebrands-Itself-Into-Oblivion.aspx). Plus, here’s The Gap’s response (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/marka-hansen/the-gaps-new-logo_b_754981.html) and a great piece from MSNBC on the worst rebranding disasters (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36398773/ns/business-us_business/).
P.S. Just this week The Gap reverted back to its original logo. Read more here.